to the website of the self-help centre of the AWO Kreisverbandes Gifhorn e.V.
[ Text in Deutsch ]
Do you have a disease/ a problem and would like to exchange information with other people affected?
Would you like to find out more about support groups?
Are you looking for a suitable group?
You have not found a suitable offer in the district?
Are you thinking about starting a self-help group?
Your group needs support?
We would be happy to advise and support you!
We look forward to your visit, your call or your e-mail! [ Contact ]
Our counselling is free of charge and your enquiries will be treated confidentially.<
Dou can find the other offers of the AWO Kreisverband Gifhorn e.V. [ here ]
We would like to thank the statutory health insurance companies/associations, the state of Lower Saxony and the district of Gifhorn for funding us.